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Gods and Goddesses

The egyptain pantheon is a complex and sometimes muddled collection of indigenous and imported dieties. As regional rulers rose in power, so to did their regional gods. As such, the most important divine families shifted with dynasties and periods as control of the country shifted.

GOD - FORM - CULT CENTER - ROLE (i've put what i deem important Gods in all caps)
Aker - appears as two lions, back to back; or a track to land - represents the earth/ east and west horizons 
AMUN - a man with a double plumed headdress or a ram- centered in Thebes- he is the King of Gods
ANUBIS - jackal or jackal-headed - the god of cemeteries and embalming
Apis- a scared living bull- centered in Memphis- the earthly manifestation of Ptah, only one is alive at a time and after they died they were embalmed
Apophis- snake- represents chaos in the underworld, he is the enemy of the sun god, shown in tomb painting and the book od the dead
ATEN- Sun disc- Akhataten- Solar, he was declared the only god in Akhanaten's religious revolt against the traditional state religion
ATUM- man with Nemes (royal) headdress or double crown- Heliopolis- represents 'totality', the creator
Baal- man with pointed beard and horned helmet, holding a cedar tree, club or spear- Syrian origin- god of storms, the sky
Baba- baboon- aggression, virility
Banebdjedet- Ram- Mendes- virility, sky
Benu- Heron- Heliopolis- earth, fertility
BES- leonine dwarf- god of the household, childbirth
*Duamutef- Jackal-headed- One of the canaopic jar tops, stomach and upper intestines; east
GEB- Man, with goose on head or Red Crown- Heliopolis- Earth, fertility, one of the four elemental dieties,
Hapy- man, usually blue, with aqutic plants headdress- Aswan- Nile inundation
*Hapi- Baboon-headed- One of the canpoic jar tops, lungs, north
Herishef- long-horned ram with Atef-crown and sun disc headdress- Herakleopolis- primeval force, creator, solar
HORUS- Falcon or falcon-headed- Edfu; Hierakonpolis- Sky, kingship, son of Osiris and Isis
Hu- man- divine utterance, authority
Huh/Heh- frog-headed; man holding notched palm-rib- Hermopolis Magna- primeval formlessness, flood force, infinity
Ihy- Child- Dendra- sistrum (rattle)
IMHOTEP- seated man with skull cap- Memphis; Thebes- wisdom, medicine. Imhotep was once the vizier of King Djoser in the old kingdom, he was the architect of the Step Pyramid at Saqqara and was later diefied
*Imsety- Human-headed- One of the Canopic jar tops, liver, south
KHEPRI- scarab beetle or a man with scarab beetle for a head- creator, Solar, the scarab was the most popular amulet in ancient egypt
KHNUM- ram or ram-headed- Elephantine, Esna- creator, potter; cataract; fertile soil
KHONSU- child with a headdress of full and cresent moon- Thebes- Moon
Kuk- frog-headed- Hermopolis Magna- primeval, darkness
Mehen- coiled serpent- protector of the sun god
Mihos- Lion- Leontopolis, Bubastis
Montu- falcon or falcon-headed, with sun disc and double-plummed headdress- Thebes- War
Nefertem- man with louts headdress; lion headed- Memphis; Buto- Primeval lotus blossom
Neper- Man- Funerary; protective
NUN- Man; holding a solar barque above head- Heilopolis; Hermopolis- Primordial waters, darkness and chaos
OSIRIS- Mumifies man with Atef (white) crown, holdign a crook and flail- Abydos; Busiris- Death; afterlife; rebirth; fertility; agriculture. Osiris is one of the most famous gods and as the ruler of the underworld, one of the more important in the passage of the dead into the underworld
PTAH- Semi-mumified man with skull cap and was-djed-ankh scepter- Memphis- Creator, craftsman
*Qebehsenuef- Falcon-headed- one of the canopic jar tops, lower intestince, west
RE/RA- Ram or Falcon-headed with sun disc and cobra headdress- Heiolopolis- Creator; solar, later combined with Amun to form Amun-Ra
SETH/SET- 'seth-animal' (unidentified animal)- Ombos Naqada- Chaos, infertility, desert, storms, brother and murderer of Osiris so he could become king, was later defeated by Horus, but managed to wound his eye 
Shay- Man- Destiny
Shezmu- Man- Faiyum- underworld demon; wine and unguent-oil presses 
SHU- man with feather on head, lion-headed- Heliopolis; Leontopolis- Air; 'Eye of Re'
SOBEK- crocodile- Kom Ombo; Faiyum- Pharaonic might
THOTH/DJEHUTY- baboon; ibis or ibis-headed- Hermopolis Magna- Moon; knowledge; scribes
Wepwawet- Jackal or jackal-headed- Assiut- "Opener of the Ways"

Grace a Lorna Oakes and Lucia Gahlin's Ancient Egypt for the information
