GOD - FORM - CULT CENTER - ROLE (i've put what i deem important Gods in all caps)
Aker - appears as two lions, back to back; or a track to land - represents the earth/
east and west horizons
AMUN - a man with a double plumed headdress or a ram- centered in Thebes- he
is the King of Gods
ANUBIS - jackal or jackal-headed - the god of cemeteries and embalming
Apis- a scared living bull- centered in Memphis- the earthly manifestation of Ptah, only
one is alive at a time and after they died they were embalmed
Apophis- snake- represents chaos in the underworld, he is the enemy of the sun god, shown
in tomb painting and the book od the dead
ATEN- Sun disc- Akhataten- Solar, he was declared the only god in Akhanaten's religious revolt
against the traditional state religion
ATUM- man with Nemes (royal) headdress or double crown- Heliopolis- represents
'totality', the creator
Baal- man with pointed beard and horned helmet, holding a cedar tree, club or spear- Syrian
origin- god of storms, the sky
Baba- baboon- aggression, virility
Banebdjedet- Ram- Mendes- virility, sky
Benu- Heron- Heliopolis- earth, fertility
BES- leonine dwarf- god of the household, childbirth
*Duamutef- Jackal-headed- One of the canaopic jar tops, stomach and upper intestines; east
GEB- Man, with goose on head or Red Crown- Heliopolis- Earth, fertility, one of the four elemental
Hapy- man, usually blue, with aqutic plants headdress- Aswan- Nile inundation
*Hapi- Baboon-headed- One of the canpoic jar tops, lungs, north
Herishef- long-horned ram with Atef-crown and sun disc headdress- Herakleopolis-
primeval force, creator, solar
HORUS- Falcon or falcon-headed- Edfu; Hierakonpolis- Sky, kingship, son of Osiris and Isis
Hu- man- divine utterance, authority
Huh/Heh- frog-headed; man holding notched palm-rib- Hermopolis Magna- primeval formlessness,
flood force, infinity
Ihy- Child- Dendra- sistrum (rattle)
IMHOTEP- seated man with skull cap- Memphis; Thebes- wisdom, medicine. Imhotep was once the
vizier of King Djoser in the old kingdom, he was the architect of the Step Pyramid at Saqqara and was later diefied
*Imsety- Human-headed- One of the Canopic jar tops, liver, south
KHEPRI- scarab beetle or a man with scarab beetle for a
head- creator, Solar, the scarab was the most popular amulet in ancient egypt
KHNUM- ram or ram-headed- Elephantine, Esna- creator, potter; cataract; fertile soil
KHONSU- child with a headdress of full and cresent moon- Thebes- Moon
Kuk- frog-headed- Hermopolis Magna- primeval, darkness
Mehen- coiled serpent- protector of the sun god
Mihos- Lion- Leontopolis, Bubastis
Montu- falcon or falcon-headed, with sun disc and double-plummed headdress- Thebes- War
Nefertem- man with louts headdress; lion headed- Memphis; Buto- Primeval lotus blossom
Neper- Man- Funerary; protective
NUN- Man; holding a solar barque above head- Heilopolis; Hermopolis- Primordial waters, darkness
and chaos
OSIRIS- Mumifies man with Atef (white) crown, holdign a crook and flail- Abydos;
Busiris- Death; afterlife; rebirth; fertility; agriculture. Osiris is one of the most famous gods and as the ruler of the
underworld, one of the more important in the passage of the dead into the underworld
PTAH- Semi-mumified man with skull cap and was-djed-ankh scepter- Memphis- Creator,
*Qebehsenuef- Falcon-headed- one of the canopic jar tops, lower intestince, west
RE/RA- Ram or Falcon-headed with sun disc and cobra headdress- Heiolopolis- Creator; solar,
later combined with Amun to form Amun-Ra
SETH/SET- 'seth-animal' (unidentified animal)- Ombos Naqada- Chaos, infertility, desert, storms,
brother and murderer of Osiris so he could become king, was later defeated by Horus, but managed to wound his eye
Shay- Man- Destiny
Shezmu- Man- Faiyum- underworld demon; wine and unguent-oil presses
SHU- man with feather on head, lion-headed- Heliopolis; Leontopolis- Air; 'Eye of Re'
SOBEK- crocodile- Kom Ombo; Faiyum- Pharaonic might
THOTH/DJEHUTY- baboon; ibis or ibis-headed- Hermopolis Magna- Moon; knowledge; scribes
Wepwawet- Jackal or jackal-headed- Assiut- "Opener of the Ways"